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campingmommy aka Kelli

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Everything posted by campingmommy aka Kelli

  1. I will say that last week while we were there, you could log on to the dining reservations online and many of the popular restaurants at some availability...even Le Cellier (that's either because their food sucks now or could be because of the no double booking). Also, we went to Epcot one evening because I was running low on food in the camper and we wanted to eat out somewhere...there were several table restaurants that had availability as a walk up, which has never happened.
  2. Yep we woke up to find that same note on our truck! How much you want to bet it takes a little longer than a hour to fix? Guess in the bright side we didn't wake up to smoke this morning!
  3. That's because the smoke is now up in the outpost and very smoky! Let's hope it stays up here! As far as those darn yellow flies, I have 5 huge welts on my feet and ankles!
  4. I had to end up giving my son 2 asthma treatments within 2 hours overnight because of the smoke. We couldn't ask to move today because my husband left early this morning for his conference or we would have! Some worker drove by earlier this afternoon pn a Segway and told a new camper across from us it was contained and was just a marsh fire.
  5. We just got back from Hollywood studios and didn't notice the smoke or ash til we got back to the 700 loop. There are some pretty big chunks of ash coming down!
  6. Yeah the customer service this week isn't spot on, especially in the 700 loop. Smoke doesn't seem too bad right now...let's hope it stays that way!
  7. Hope you're all set back up and comfy on your new site! What a mess! We woke up last night to the awful smell of smoke (I'm in the 700 loop with Karla). The winds must be blowing it this way! Not a good thing since my sons asthma is awful down here!
  8. Great trip report! I'm glad you got your Disney fix! I love the Disney store!
  9. Yummy pics! We were over at MK last night for the Tomorrowland dessert party!
  10. Tshirts. And I have a FW welcome mat that we bought a few years ago and I need a new one!
  11. Well, they are here! One flew into our truck while we were waiting to check in today and one landed on me while I was talking to Karla at her campsite!
  12. Front of Shirt: Back of shirt: It says 2011 because I was originally going to use this but then decided not to. They look great on a red or blue shirt!
  13. Not on the T-shirts but I have other crafts that I do hand embroider. I saved up enough money from my other crafts that I sell on Ebay/Etsy to buy a smaller embroidery machine...nothing fancy. I only put the kid's name on the beach towels that I embroidered, simply because they both wanted the same design and I know they would be fighting over who's was who's! Other than that, I don't have any names on our shirts this year. I'll post the family t-shirts from last year...they are cute and very easy to modify if anyone wants the design. But they do have everyone's name on it.
  14. I'm making ones for our trip next week. I've done the iron transfers last time. This time I'm embroidering them. I'm having a fun time...learning how to embroider and appliqué. Ill post pics when I'm done tomorrow!
  15. How'd the first time pulling the camper go? Hopefully smoothly...enjoy your trip!
  16. We had site 714 last year and I requested the 700 loop again this year! We will be there the 14th-21st so hope to see you there! :banana:
  17. You will love it! We spent the last 2 summers there. They also have great county parks with a nice campground and waterpark! http://www.ccprc.com/index.aspx?nid=68 it's one of the best places we have found to camp besides FW and Topsail in Destin. The Charleston Crab House is ok but pricey for what you get. Enjoy your trip!
  18. I called the line for the Pirates League and the lady then told me about the other cruises.
  19. I thought about it all day and I jusNTSCnt see letting him go yet at this age. The 11 year old has no problem and wants to do it but then we will have a meltdown when big brother gets to go and he doesn't. There is a pirates fireworks cruise where the entire family can go and I'm thinking about it. It's much more expensive but if I can talk DH into not eating at a table restaurant one evening and eating at the camper instead, we might do it.
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