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Fugarwe(MN John(Juanito))

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Everything posted by Fugarwe(MN John(Juanito))

  1. Sometimes the French can be very funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8yjNbcKkNY
  2. See, I don't know how to put them on photobucket, or others, and I don't know how to put them in a post once it's on photobucket. When I said talk to me like I'm 4, I really meant it.
  3. I know from the title you were expecting a trip report tutorial. But you won't get one from me, cause I'm computer illiterate. But I can tell a good story, and in a past life I was a press photographer. Reading Dave and TCDs excellent reports makes me wish there were more. But I bet a lot of people are like me and don't really know how to make it look good. And not just posting pictures, but the cadence and structure of it. So would someone who is good at it be willing to talk to me like I'm 4 and put it all down? Perhaps the instructions could be pinned at the top of this so it wouldn't
  4. I love it when a plan comes together! This is exactly what this thread needed, without deleting like the old place. BRAVO!
  5. Heh. My RV is 32 feet with a 20 foot cargo trailer behind. I'm over 55 feet total length!
  6. Those idiotic videos were worth watching because I got to hear the boat horns. six weeks!
  7. When we are going to arrive during high traffic times, I come in the back way past the new four seasons tower!
  8. I'm sorry, I meant a ride from the fort over the closest boat dock that will take me over to DTD.
  9. I am really enjoying this tour. But could you help out those of us that have only really been to the parks and the campground and keep the names instead of the codes? I'm having a heck of a time following the two versions of Orleans, let alone the rest of it. And just yesterday I was creeping on disney and looking at google earth at the waterways. Can I get a bus ride from the fort over to the closest boat dock? I'd often wished I could sneak over there with my golf cart. I'm guessing that trip wouldn't last too long.
  10. I don't see how this will get rid of long lines, or turnstiles for that matter. You still will need to file through in an orderly manner, and turnstiles do what manners will not. And how will this make everyone not want to ride Space Mountain?
  11. "We also found out later that when we tried to tip the girls they refused. We kept at it until they took it. (Disney requires them to refuse 3 times before they can accept.) How many people are going to keep trying after 2-3 attempts?" In Minnesota it's common practice to refuse things several times before accepting. It's considered polite. "Would you like some more cake?" "No thank you, but it's very good." "Then you should really have some more." "Thanks for offering, but I really shouldn't. I should leave some for the others." "Oh, there's plenty! Please have some more!" "Oh, okay, i
  12. Thanks for posting this! My wife may be interested in the Spring Training thing while we are there. I bet that's a hard place to sneak beer in to.
  13. Oh, I don't know. If I was a cupcake eatin' Lar Lar I bet someone would figure out how to fix it. Lord knows they did it to me just before I got flushed with the rest of ya all in 2011 at TOS.
  14. I forgot to mention the snowstorm/ice mess we came through in TN two years ago. (maybe it was three)? The ice had frozen on the freeways near Nashville and it was like driving on the bumpy part of test track, for miles and miles. We came up to an accident on the north side where three people died after sliding and falling off a bridge. We beat the ambulances there. They closed the road and I ended up having to back the 32 foot RV with the 20 foot enclosed trailer up on that ice. The cops didn't think I could do it, but I just told them I'm from Minnesota, this is a normal day.
  15. Enjoying this report very much. I love trains and Disney so this is a double whammy for me!
  16. What I don't like is I had to read through dang near the whole thread to find out the original post was, well, misleading to how the situation turned out. I have a reservation with Kenny for the end of Feb, but have never rented from him before. But last year I had a problem with my personal 8 seater cart and he helped me out a bunch and got me in business again. I was so impressed I decided I'd rather rent a cart from him (six seater, we'll have to squeeze in) than pull my trailer with the cart in it all the way down to FL. I'd like it if somehow the original post could be modified to sh
  17. Up here in Minnesota that's how we roll. When vacation is scheduled it's time to go!
  18. That would have been a learning experience for that asshat if he had said that to me. Autism is NOT a mental illness. It's a condition. There has never been any link between Aspberger's and violent behavior ever. And as far as the recent shooting, the only thing mentioned in the reporting is that he MIGHT have had Aspbergers. Never a mention of mental illness. And then there is the hue and cry for "better access to mental health care". This kid comes from a wealthy family. If there was a need for treatment in that area, he had access to the best I'm sure. People need to stop making ex
  19. I worry they will start cutting back on HDDR since they can't fill the tables. We were thinking of doing it again in Feb since it's been a couple of years. But it is an investment, that's for sure!
  20. We ate at the restaurant there last Feb. It was the only place we could walk up and get a table for six. The place was almost full. The wait staff was great and we really enjoyed it. It was hidden away though. We've been able to walk up and get a table at the Mexican table service on the water before too, and enjoyed that. The waitress there was excellent also.
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