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Everything posted by Tweedletent....Julie

  1. We stopped by but all your blinds were down and we didn't want to disturb you. Did you find the treat we left on your golf cart? and by the way, we love your dog! :doodebug:
  2. Sorry we haven'y updated our trip report, but we'll be there on Tuesday the 31st, hope to see ya! :popcorn:
  3. We made it to the park...and decided to hit space mountain before a line formed. First stop however is the restroom, my favorite, the restroom in the terrace/stupid noodle station/best pizza (why did they get rid of that :fork: ?) place. Not the restroom next to it but the one at the top of the hill . No one ever goes in there any more so it's never ocupado. Let me know if I give TMI, but I saw the toilet picture and heard about the big flush :flush: so restroom talk is ok, right? We grabbed some pictures of the new interactive games in the line... at Space Mountain, not the rest
  4. Just a quick report to get us from the street to the park... So ... let's go back in time to the day we decided to go for the day. We decided to do the whole tourist thing, you know park in the parking lot, ride the tram, get to the park in time to see the big opening (if you haven't seen it, I recommend it.) Ok, you feeling it, get a new parking pass to add to the collection, take pictures of the opening, blah blah blah.... Well, here we go. I guess I was just asking for trouble. So we pull up to the parking pass booth, Tyler pulled up so I had to pay. WHAT? I thought the driver always
  5. Thanks for snacking along! Feel free to hijack at any time... then we won't feel the pressure of having to entertain the addicts. Wish we would have known that Flat Snarky would be such a hit. But, there will be a few more photos coming up. Glad to have you! More coming up. Flat Snarky will be around for years to come. The wait is almost over! :chillout: :rofl2: Here we go everybody! :rollercoaster:
  6. Thanks for being the first to reply! Calm down, we're back and posting tonight. :popo: :doodebug: Hey! Are you in the car in front of us? Because we haven't gotten in yet! :rofl: I was wondering who was in the back seat! Thanks for joining on! :partythree: I think there's still room in the back, hop on in! Your wait is almost over! :waiting2-smiley: Our first TCD comment! We're excited you're riding along! :yay: Next time we'll tell you when were going by and you can wave over the wall lol! :thewave1: You must have stayed up late to try and beat everyone! :bravo:
  7. I knew right from the beginning this was going to be a trip to remember... THE KID WAS GOING TO DRIVE TO DISNEY FOR THE FIRST TIME... I'm not going to tell you if we made it back or not, but I hope you figured it out. Heads up, we stop by The Fort somewhere on this trip and we will have photos of the new Fantasy Land area through out the report. As you can see we started early, 6:30 AM, be were up before the sun. You know she must have been excited to get up this early on a day when there was no school. First stop, Starbucks. Before we continue, raise your hands if you've heard of flat St
  8. Those were not JUST... good old round pancakes... those were the wheels from the cars. :rofl: You need to keep the dream alive.
  9. Loved the pictures...makes me excited to go... we are hoping for a heat wave, we've got that Florida blood too. :wave1: .
  10. Had to go through the whole trip in one day :bravo: . Thanks for the cross country trip, hope you have an interesting trip home... as for the rest of you, . :rofl3: :smartass:
  11. NOOOO! Just when things were getting exciting we have an intermission. P.S. :flush: I flushed and nothing happened... just have to wash my shoes now.
  12. :flush2: Does this thing work like on Harry Potter and I can flush my self to the fort and join your trip.
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