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Brent... Just Brent

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Everything posted by Brent... Just Brent

  1. Yeah, the Premium Loops are definitely wider than the preferred and full sites. It seems like I measured about three additional feet. That makes a huge difference when you want to use the space under the awning. I fit the camper, slide and outside area all on pavement with room to spare July 4th.
  2. Great updates. I've done the inside tour of the Hover Dam. Meh. You didn't really miss anything. Glad you took one for the team and got those photos. They were great.
  3. Thanks, Carol. I assumed what I was told was wrong, but I wasn't willing to chance it.
  4. Great report, Stef! After seeing the video, I can't wait to actually meet you.
  5. Great start to your TR. Can't wait to hear about your first trip to the Fort!
  6. Great start Carol. I'm in. I love Sunshine Seasons, too. So much better than burgers.
  7. Someone may have a definite answer, but this is what I was told. If they are going through group sales and get the discounted ticket that way, I was told no. I'm not sure I believe that, but it's what my sales person told me. I asked because I wanted to do it with mine also.
  8. AP discounts have always been pretty easy to come by on partial sites for me. I even got one on a Premium July 4th week. They exist!
  9. Interesting. It wasn't Reedy Creek before doing the Electrical. It was a contractor.
  10. Great updates! Looks like you really had a great week at the Fort doing exactly what I like to do. Loop, eat, pool, eat, pool....
  11. I would assume it will work like a subway system. At X point the bus is 15 minutes away. At Y point it's 14. If it's stopped at X, then the countdown will stay at 15 until it gets to Y.
  12. Fort he record, I got pulled over by an IR on July 5th with an unopened beer on the cart on my way back to Bob's. He said nothing about that, but was more upset I left the loop through the wrong entrance. As TCD said, inconsistent. It was also late and I was the only one at the Fort still awake (besides other Fiends at Bob's)
  13. I saw it got some down arrows. It'll be gone before you know it.
  14. That's tough. Both of these are very unique experiences. It's like comparing apples to oranges. I love Epcot and most park-evenings are spent there on my trips, but I also love a Fort evening, cocktail on the porch and then drinks and dinner at HDDR. I don't have kids with me at the Fort, though, so take that for what it's worth. Really, I guess what I'm saying is you can't go wrong with either choice. Enjoy!
  15. I was searching around for a specific model of camper and came across this place. Their prices seem almost too good to be true - especially when compared to camping world. Anyone have any experience with them? Anything you know would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. It's interesting that they got real refrigerators at AoA. When I was at All Star in May, they were more like coolers than a refrigerator. There was a fan in it blowing cool air that ran all the time.
  17. I just checked the website and it worked for me, but I had to completely avoid MLK weekend. Looks like that's booked up.
  18. I think I can answer most of your questions. - You actually don't book a loop, but a site category (Full, Preferred, Premium work for a Class C). Loops are assigned later. You can make a request about 5 days prior to arrival, but they are just that, requests. Yes, you can add the dining plan later if you book now. - Loops 100 and 200 are preferred - preferred meaning location by the marina. 300 is also preferred, but it's a pet loop. 400, 500, 600 and 700 are Premium pet loops. 1400 is a Premium, non-pet loop. The catch - during busy times most of us have seen pets in most loops... even the p
  19. Ironically, I always asked that my room be in the same building as my group, but right next to them since I sometimes like to sneak away for a drink or come back a lot later than them. I ALWAYS ended up right in the middle of the group. Every. Single. Time. All of our rooms were blocked together in the same building in POR. So, clearly the managers aren't the same caliber everywhere, but they're all IM's....
  20. Day 8 - Monday #2 Yes, the Second Monday of the trip. That's usually a sign that it's been a good trip. It definitely had been up to this point, for the most part. Lots of friends. Lots of fun. Lots of food. You know the deal. I woke up much later than I had planned. I think Justin was already up. There was coffee and then we were off to DAK to meet up with friends who were still lingering from the weekend. It was hot. And sunny. And DAK was CROWDED. I felt bad. That was Justin's second trip into that park and it had been that way both times. He proclaimed he never wanted to go back. We got fa
  21. I think I said it already, but I really enjoyed your report. I was also a semi-lurker on the other place. Because of some great people there/here now I was able to pull off my first tent camping experience. I had NO idea what I was doing when it came to camping at the Fort and I'm not sure if I would have tent camped if I hadn't stumbled on people willing to voice their opinions and share their trips. It's been a few years now since that first tent camping trip to the Fort, but it's still my favorite trip out of all of them.
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