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Everything posted by GaDawgFan.....Kelly

  1. Good job checking out the "new" loop. I'm looking forward to the rest of the updates!
  2. Well... We were talking near Tallahassee and arrests. But you're right. I should have picked on the Gators.
  3. We had a similar experience once, not a a CB. Very scary. Glad nothing serious happened.
  4. You don't have to take kids out of the strollers on the big boats. You do on the small boats and any bus.
  5. Good question. You've gotten us into trouble with "the law" before.
  6. FSU does a pretty good job producing clients. Flower and Garden under unappreciated. La Cava is always the answer. I've always liked you, but Pepsi???? The chips and dip have been well documented in probably every GDF TR. Where have you been? Although, I only get the trio when Elena is with me. I'm not a guac fan. Apparently their version is a bit spicy and super delicious if you're into that. The power of Margarita Mondays. Wow. I can see them doing that during Food and Wine, but it's a bummer if that's happening all the time. I wonder if you can re
  7. Very cool! One of these days, I'm going to have to buy one of those machines.
  8. Awww... thanks for the offer. I'm scared to tow! Ha ha I'm thinking I might go the tent route. Katman AKA Not My Jason and I have been texting, and I'm a little less scared of that idea. Honestly, with the stuff we already have, I can't do maintenance on anything else.
  9. My friend is gluten free. When she's with me, they make our GAG half fried and half grilled. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. And you're willing to admit that in a public forum of Fiends?!?!?
  11. Actually, when it's just Z and me we do eat out for pretty much every meal. The Lone Ranger takeout meal feeds us! Hard to cook that cheap. But no fridge either.... Sigh.... This is why I have 2 trip at Coronado currently on my calendar.
  12. I'd be in my Jeep. We already have an RV, so I'm not looking to buy another camper. This is more for if Z and I do a quick trip. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. With no more Fort Camper Rentals, trips to the Fort on my own are tough. Has anyone found a reasonable alternative? I've considered a Disney tent, but I'm not going to lie... I like heat and air conditioning.
  14. I get the impression it's something we know about because we read this site, but most people have no idea. And I'm sure you're right about the reason it's not published.
  15. Had there ever been anything officially published about pet loops? I don't remember seeing it. I know it's on this site, but does Disney even put it out there?
  16. Awesome pictures! I missed this thread because I thought it was an old thread about WWW. Great pictures! What is the difference between a T@B and T@G?
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