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Everything posted by GaDawgFan.....Kelly

  1. F&G is so beautiful. Great pictures. I've never explored the Boardwalk area. I ride the teacups.... I just don't let anyone spin.
  2. Did the Haunted Mansion bag ever get online? I REALLY want one. Are they still available at the MK?
  3. Z would love that.... I'm really hoping they decide to keep it or add a permanent breakfast at a place that doesn't already serve breakfast. It would be such a money-maker. I know DFB is always positive, but that looks like a quality experience. Come on, Disney!
  4. This is what I wonder. Happy customers are more likely to return, and the cost to offer both isn't that much. The girls, handlers, PP photographers....
  5. Z really liked Splash. I can't put it in the same category as BTMRR (his by far favorite) because it's only been open once in our last 3 trips. It was closed in January 2014 and April 2013. When he rode it in July, he immediately wanted to ride again. Is it weird that ToT is the only ride I'm afraid of at Disney? I haven't ridden it since Z was 4 month old, and I think I was shaking for 30 minutes afterward. Z has seen the drop and knows the inside has ghosts, etc. He really wants to ride it and promises to hold my hand so I'm not scared. Ha ha ha ha You can do it! Really? In my m
  6. I downloaded both because I wasn't sure. The classroom edition is unlocked. It looked great from what I saw, and I may or may not be studying reading education. :)
  7. Hmmmm.... was supposed to be the full unlocked version http://www.smartappsforkids.com/2014/05/4999-to-free-i-cant-believe-it-hooked-on-phonics-learn-to-read-classroom-edition.html#more I'll have to dig more. Z started playing it and liked what he's done so far.
  8. Apparently it's usually $50. I've never used it and am just downloading it now, but I figured I'd let folks know. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hooked-on-phonics-learn-to/id806401149?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
  9. I can't decide who is worse.... DIT or TCD. I really want to visit Dollywood.
  10. It has been well documented during the last week that Mr. GDF really loves me and is going to let us return to Disney after my 1 year ban. That will be in 11 months. Z is currently 42 inches with his shoes off. I'm guessing that makes him almost 43 with shoes on today. I'm think there's a good chance he'll make the 44 inch cutoff needed more Expedition Everest and Space next April, and he's already tall enough for ToT. BUT, I'm not sure if we should let him ride them. Here are the facts.... He'll have just turned 6. He LOVES BTMRR and the HM (not scared). He also likes Splash. He wants to
  11. I wonder if they're going to crack down on the use of other people's magic bands. It will be interesting to see what happens next time you try. I'm guessing you will after the second time on EE, so don't disappoint.
  12. An annual pass is $800! I've been planning to get Z and I passes one year and make trips just the 2 of us (once he's better in the car), but I'll never be able to talk Jason into that.
  13. I'm in.... again! Paris, that's exciting and worth missing WDW.
  14. Better late than never! Glad you're back. I'm in, but I need some pics of the reds.
  15. Sounds like so much fun! Good job on the medal AND not drowning. PS- Ray has done an excellent job filling in for you.
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