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Posts posted by keith_h

  1. 1 hour ago, Seals said:

    I have 3 teenage boys and when I saw the photo with the nachos in the middle of the table my first thought was  "that's all?"  Although with the pitchers of non-alcoholic beverages, and if you get to keep the hats and badges, it's not really a bad  deal for $90. (in terms of food costs at WDW)

    It made me remember when I was a teen and would go out and grab a pizza with my best friend on a Saturday night. It was a double crust, double sauce, double cheese, double Italian sausage and sport peppers. The owner of the pizza place weigh it once and it was 11 lbs precooked. We would still be hungry when it was gone yet didn't gain a pound. Seeing the nachos made me think we probably wouldn't have had any problem finishing it off on our own but no worries, we wouldn't have had the $90 to be able to afford it.

  2. 43 minutes ago, shoreline99 said:

    Rumors are floating that the menu at Cali Grill is changing to buffet type stations. Anyone been there lately that can confirm? If so, that would really change the value of the meal.

    I hope not.


    I just looked at the menu and the one for Brunch shows self serve items in addition to order at your table. The dinner menu still shows everything as order at your table. It makes sense to me that brunch would be buffet style.

  3. 1 hour ago, rtguy007 said:

    And before I forget....I am officially starting the notification. Site 1333 is cursed. When we were down last August in 1325 we saw a guy have his class a towed in as it was having issues similar to my truck. No steering and no brakes. It was an older class a and I didnt think much at the time. I did snap a few pics I will try and find to post but it was a sight to see and confusing at the same time. Here we are one year later in the same site with similar issues.

    You have been warned. 1333 in mid august carries a curse. And it could be costly.

    Nice to know. If we can't get our preferred site in 1300 I'll make sure to tell them I have it on good advice, NOT 1333.

  4. 1 hour ago, h2odivers...Ray said:

    The same kind you use for your swimming pool.

    I use plain old bleach you buy in the cleaning section of the store. This is what our state/local health departments recommend using to treat wells. I just make sure I use bleach that has no scents or other additives. At Walmart it is labeled as Cleaning Bleach. I've also seen that if after a couple of rinses you still smell bleach to add some baking soda to the water you use to flush the lines. Not sure how much or if it is a wives tail as a little short term bleach smell doesn't bother us.

    1 hour ago, PghBob said:

    We carry about 4 gallons of bottled water for coffee & drinking

    We do the same thing but it is only because the vinyl hose they used to plumb the trailer makes it taste funny.

  5. 54 minutes ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    How much bleach do you use?

    I have a 20 gallon fresh water tank and use about 1/2 cup. I hookup my hose to the water source and pour the bleach directly into it then put it in the tank fill tube. Since the hoses  sits for long period too this sanitizes them as well. I open each faucet and the toilet one at a time and run until I smell bleach then let it sit overnight. The next day I drain everything, including the water heater, and flush the system. I start with the fresh water tank by filling and draining several times, fill it and flush the lines and water heater.

  6. 3 hours ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    Yeah, I've wondered the same thing.  That photo has been used by Disney on the official website for a while now.

    I think the banks of the canal behind the 1800 loop are steeper.  To me, it looks like the canal that separates the 1300 loop from the Meadow Recreation Area.  But, there's so much photoshopping in that photo, it could have been taken anywhere. 


    I think we have a new assignment for your early morning Fort photo walks. :lol:

  7. For me it depends on where the last water I used came from. We use our water tank about as often as we hookup to campground water. If I know the water is from a treated municipal supply I will fill the tank before we leave and go a couple of weeks without worrying about sanitizing the system. All I do is drain/flush the tanks and lines before the trip. For water of unknown quality I will sanitize the system if it sits without use for more than a couple of days. If it is from my well I will go about a week and just flush everything before our trip. A key thing is I leave the tank full when sitting so mildew or mold doesn't have a chance to develop on the tank walls. I could probably go out every few days to drain and flush the system to avoid sanitizing but that seems to me to be more work than sanitizing once a day or two before we travel. 

  8. 45 minutes ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    I think Disney is overestimating how many people are going to pay more $$$ for a Disney-only streaming service. 

    Greed is not good.


    My guess is their looking at this from the perspective of the Disney cable channel not realizing that what works in medium one doesn't crossover well to the other. The same goes for their ESPN offering. I think they recognize that the cable channels are in a long term decline due to chord cutting. I don't believe they grasp that even if they keep all of their subscribers streaming is a lower revenue per customer model and they will have to grow their base dramatically to break even. The alternative is they stick with the idea that they are a premium service deserving of premium subscription fees and fall flat on their face. They are also going to have to pickup their game on IT infrastructure and management as customers won't put up with a service that runs like their websites do. I haven't looked at the details but if they don't also make deals with all of the device makers (phone, computer, disc players, TV's, streaming boxes, etc) to install their client app they won't get far either.

  9. 14 hours ago, LONE-STAR said:

    I also am not a fan of the new Mickey animation. As for the screens if they managed to pull off good 3D effects it may be okay, think about the end of The Muppets when Mickey's right in your face it looks pretty cool.

    As long as they can do the 3D without the need for glasses. For many of us with corrective lenses you either see clearly but get poor 3D by wearing both sets of glasses or get good 3D and everything is fuzzy.

  10. 7 hours ago, BradyBzLyn...Mo said:

    But then there are cases like IBM, which recently announced they're calling their remote people back into the office, citing that having people all over the place is detrimental to working on teams.

    Even before the big recall work from home was iffy with IBM. They publicized it as a lot more than what it really was. I was a remote employee with them for about 15 years. Twelve of those were working from home. I worked under a San Jose based development organization whose management didn't need to have their employees just across the hall to feel in control. Here on the East coast the management tended to want to be able to see their employees. About the only groups that had remote employees were those that provided services or sales that required them to be close to the customer.

    There has always been a large cultural difference between the IBM facilities out west and here in the east. The western facilities are much more like Silicon Valley in attitudes and how things are done. The eastern ones have always been more buttoned down and formal. I used to get a kick out of going to meetings in Poughkeepsie when I was in my 20's. Those of us from San Jose would be in blue jeans and tennis shoes while the Poughkeepsie folks were in business attire and wearing ties. You could tell the New York managers hated it but what do you expect when our VP had a 1000 head hobby ranch, wore string ties and cowboy boots. 

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