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Posts posted by keith_h

  1. 2 hours ago, BradyBzLyn...Mo said:

    Sort of to the original question in general - I'd say your best bet is usually to give them your top requirements (close to XYZ, etc) vs specific sites/loops.  If you request just a specific site/loop and they can't give it to you (because that loop/site is already full) at least they have some useful criteria for picking you a site that would work for you.

    That is what we do. We have a specific site we like and so I ask for it but I follow it with a description of wanting the outside of the loop, backing to water or open space. I also ask to be away from sporting areas. Strange I know with having our favorite site being across from the Meadows pool but it is quiet in the morning and evening when we like to watch the wading birds.

  2. 20 minutes ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    I think that's horrible.  Unless, they are taking their dog to the kennel during the day when they're at the parks.  I really hope people aren't leaving their dogs, alone, at a tent site....

    Wouldn't surprise me that they would. I would hope they are putting them in crate in a shaded area with plenty of airflow but who knows these days.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    Well, there is definitely a basketball hoop and a concrete slab adjacent to the playground in the 1300 loop.  If you ever stayed in 1333 or 1334, and anyone was using the basketball court, you would hear it.


    I'm not doubting you. We walk through that area frequently and I have never noticed it. Then again I've never seen anyone using the playground either. Could be the time of year we usually  visit which is after Halloween and before Thanksgiving.

  4. 30 minutes ago, bhall said:

    interestingly enough, back in 1999 a bunch of us were reenacting/camping at t he sight of the now demolished tower in Gettysburg.  Someone bought one of those non frozen pre made store pizzas that you just throw in the oven and a baking stone.  Put that baby on top of my freshly built engine in my 84 Monte Carlo SS and let the car run for about 25 minutes.  It wasn't bad. 

    That's my one and only cooking food on a car engine story.

    For some reason cooking a pizza on a car engine doesn't seem period accurate. :lol:

  5. Another thing we need to know is on the water,  backup to road, etc?

    The 1300 loop isn't near a basket ball court but is across the canal from the Meadows pool which has pool parties in the afternoon that can get loud. They do stop by dinner time. We have a small trailer so fit easily in any site so take this with a grain of salt. In the 1300 loop the easiest sites to back into will tend to be on the outside of the loop and would all require blindside backing. The first couple on the inside near the CS might also work and you would not have to worry about blindside backing. I have only walked 1200 and think it will be similar but it also feels a bit tighter to me.  You also have the 1400 loop which is really two loops. The inside loop is tight so you would want to use the outside loop. This loop also has some sites near the entrance that are on the basketball court. On both the 1300 and 1400 there are a site or two that more or less align with the loop road that would be easier to back into but they might not be long enough for you. You can see these on Google maps or Goggle Earth.

    Probably the best thing to do being your first time with the trailer is to ensure your reservation has all of the length information for your TT and TV. I would also put in a preference for easy backing. This will let the site planner know you need a bit more space than a lot of folks. Another thing to remember is if your assigned site has problems you can contact the front desk and request a new site.

  6. I'd second a screen room and get one with rain flaps. It will still be fairly warm in September and the biting bugs are still out so being able to sit at the picnic table in peace is well worth it. A couple of fans would also be a good idea.

    Don't know your length of stay but you might find you want to have some means of preparing morning coffee, breakfast or other meals at the campsite. I would suggest getting a small propane camp/hiking stove. The size would need to be big enough to hold a coffee pot and a frying pan. Between these you could throw together a decent breakfast or grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Also if you are thinking of foods that need refrigeration ice chests can go through ice pretty quickly. It is not uncommon that folks will buy a small dorm fridge to use at the campsite for food. 

  7. 2 hours ago, mickeyfan0805 said:

    I don't know how much experience he has with automatic toilets, but they can be a challenge for some.  A pack of sticky notes to put over the sensors is your friend in this scenario.

    Ah yes automatic toilets. When my daughters were 3 and 6 we stopped for a potty break. The restaurant had automatic toilets and my youngest kept yelling at her sister to stop flushing her toilet. Now mind you big sister was in a different stall while all of this is going on. When she returned to the car with the others she had to tattle to me about her sister and not even I could convince her it was the toilet not her sister that did the flushing. Wish we had known about the sticky notes back then.

  8. 2 hours ago, Momof6....aka Marty said:

    Here is our menu from our trip in 2014: http://memoirable.blogspot.com/2014/08/meals-for-2014-wdw-trip.html

    This is another recipe we prepare ahead and eat on the road: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/20852/taco-in-a-bag/

    I saw those tacos in a bag on an episode of "My family recipe rocks".

    I will make up a menu, although not as detailed as yours, for most of our longer trips for meals we will eat a the trailer. It is the only way for me to create the shopping and packing lists without forgetting something.

  9. 2 hours ago, Beckers said:

    I'd be totally fine with it, as long as it is done well and not some horrible, quick slap some crap on the walls and call it a day. 

    With how they've handled some of it so far I expect it would be some half-baked thing like the Johnny Depp addition to Pirates of the Caribbean. Nope it's just better to leave it be. 

  10. 3 hours ago, bdm said:

    So you precook the egg and sausage then microwave it to reheat it?


    I have some of those restaurant style egg rings I use for the eggs. I also toast up the English muffins here at the house. We use al fresco chicken breakfast patties which are fully cooked. We just assemble the sandwich, wrap it in plastic wrap and throw them in the fridge or freezer depending upon the length of trip. I know you can buy these premade but this way I can use nonfat eggs, low fat sausage and the low fat sharp cheddar cheese we prefer. Same for the biscuits unless I decide to indulge and then I might brown up some country ham to throw inside. Its not healthy but a little goes a long way.

  11. We usually make slider size sandwiches for the road. We will buy some mini Ciabatta breads or slider rolls using whatever deli meat and cheese we feel like. If we are going to overnight on the way to our destination we will make extras for the second day as well. If we are planning to stop to eat I will make a potato salad of some type. Another thing I do for overnights is make up egg and sausage English Muffins or biscuits for the morning so we don't have to drag a bunch of stuff out.  

  12. 2 hours ago, WrigleysWagon said:

    Sorry I missed this. We go to Mammoth Cave often because it's close.  Jellystone is about 15 minutes from the cave, and really close to 65.  We have stayed at Singing Hills and Cave Country RV which were both really nice. They don't have the "toys" that Jellystone does though. 

    We are empty nesters so don't need toys just a nice quiet site and clean bathhouse. I'll keep those others in mind. We're not sure but are thinking of making Mammoth our fall trip next year. We've also thought about staying at my Old Kentucky Home park campground so we are closer to the distilleries and to visit with some of my folks old neighbors (they use to live just across the street from there).

  13. 1 hour ago, h2odivers...Ray said:

    By the way. How the heck would they fill that tub with hot water?  Most RV water heaters I've seen are tiny. 

    When we are at the RV show earlier this month we noticed a number of the higher end RV's were equipped with on-demand water heaters. I don't know what the rates are and I couldn't tell you how much LP they use but would suspect filling a tub would be a gas hog.

  14. 19 minutes ago, Travisma said:

    But that's how society as a whole is progressing.

    Computers/smart phones can be a blessing or a curse.

    I was watching an interview with Melinda Gates last night and she was saying while technology is good and moves society forward parents need to stop giving 5 years old children cell phones and make older children put the gadgets down to spend time with real people. It is the only way to build empathy and other societal behaviors that bond us together. 

    22 minutes ago, Travisma said:

    Remember when computers were going to make jobs easier and cut down on your workload and hours spent at work?

    All they did was add more work.

    That's not the fault of the computers but the people who determine how they are used. I can show you countless cases of how they've reduced work and made it more accurate.

  15. Most of the decline in farming as a whole are land costs. It is hard to justify staying in farming when you can make more money than you ever could farming by selling the land. It becomes even easier if you are older and no one in the family wants to buy you out and take over when you retire.

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