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Posts posted by keith_h

  1. Sounds like a fun trip. Your becoming an old pro at this. One thing to keep in mind when you go to the Grand Canyon is they stay on Mountain Standard Time year round. I second seeing the Petrified Forest since you would be going by there. As you are going to be in the area you might want to see if you can find the time to visit Canyons of the Ancients or Mesa Verde NP. Both have ancient first peoples archeological sites. I would say Mesa Verde is probably more tourist friendly whereas Canyons of the Ancients is more hiker/outdoor oriented.

  2. 32 minutes ago, DaveInTN said:

    Perhaps if they default on the bonds that paid for the dilapidated Olympic facilities and the unused light rail extensions into drug infested slums, they could swing a pavilion.  

    I wonder if they will go for reality by providing armed bodyguards and drivers like my company use to do when I had to visit our plant in Rio? 

  3. 1 hour ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    That is cold.  Just saw.... there is apparently SNOW in Savannah.  EWWWW!!

    Yes it is. I'm looking forward to the more seasonal low 50's they are predicting for next week. We head to an RV show this weekend to look at trailers and fortunately it is inside. We were at the dealer last weekend looking at one we are interested in but it was cold enough I wasn't going to spend time crawling around to see how it was built. They said they will have it at one at the show so I plan to give it a good look over there. If the model is as good a fit as I think and they give me more or less what I want for our current trailer we will have a new one for our upcoming WDW trip.

  4. 21 minutes ago, shaffecv said:

    I tried that as a joke with an MP at the gate into Tobyhanna Army Depot once.  I had a service truck and was there to repair a Wheel loader at the motor pool.

    He asked if I had any weapons.

    I told him possibly. Torches, prybars, utility knives, hack saw, sawzall and went down the list of what was on my truck that could be used as a weapon.

    He was not very impressed with my attempt at humor.

    Whenever  he was on duty from then on I had to pull through the "more intensive " inspection line and open all the doors and hood on the truck. 

    When I was much younger and doing field engineering I had to go to a state prison to upgrade the firmware in their mainframe. The guards considered just about everything in my tool kit a weapon. The only way to get it to the computer room was to inventory the kit and sign it over to a guard who would then meet me in the computer room with it. He then kept watch on the tools and when I was ready to leave we reversed the procedure. The humorous part is there wasn't a prisoner to be found in the administration building where the computer room was.

  5. 2 hours ago, Travisma said:

    But then it was mentioned they were gong to use salt water to melt the ice?  That seems iffy.


    2 hours ago, Grumpy and Grandma said:

    That works. Many areas up N use salt brine when temps are at or just below freezing in lieu of salt. Some even app!y it before the snow hits.

    That's what they do around here. When there is a likely chance for snow or freezing rain the DOT goes out the day or two before to spray a brine on the bridges and roads. As long as we don't get too much of either it works well to keep ice from forming.

  6. 1 hour ago, DaveInTN said:

    I was thinking the same thing.  There are always lots of 4x4's in the ditch when it gets icy.  


    1 hour ago, Travisma said:

    People get over-confident think 4WD will take them anywhere.

    Like you said, on ice it will take you to the nearest ditch if you're not cautious.


    The problem with 4WD is it lets you get going in situations where 2WD could leave you stuck. Then people forget that the number of drive wheels has no effect on stopping distance and are going too fast for the conditions when it comes time to stop. I've owned rear wheel, front wheel and four wheel drive vehicles in areas that had snowy winters. For on road use I only had one occasion where 4WD was really any better than FWD and that was in Colorado after 3 feet of snow and I had to go pick up a daughter before the roads had been plowed. Even now I'm not sure it was the 4WD as much as higher ground clearance of the SUV.

    As to the recommendation not to use 4WD might have to do with many 4WD systems having a rigid drive system. On ice if one side loses traction while the other has it you are more likely to fishtail as there is nothing to push back against it (like with dirt or snow). I would expect this to be a problem with AWD as most of those are computer controlled to adjust wheel speed to keep the vehicle straight.

  7. 2 hours ago, Travisma said:

    What about broadswords, epees for fencing, throwing stars, bowie knives, etc.

    You forgot the most dangerous of all, the dull paring knife.


    43 minutes ago, desiphil said:

    WDW does not have a right to enter someones personal RV. They do have, however have the right to ask. They also have right to ask any guest to leave their property.

    WDW is private property so it all depends upon the use agreement. While I haven't been able to find a rental agreement for the Fort I did find one for the parks where you agree to any search or other security action they might want to take. I would like to see what the Fort agreement says but it wouldn't surprise me that they claim the right to enter your vehicle or RV while you are using the property. After my current frustration with trying to find what I want on the Disney website dies down I might go back and look some more.

  8. 24 minutes ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    Hmmm... haven't seen too many kids outside playing, at 6am ;)  

    I'm here at 10:45 and it is still 23 degrees out. Only up three degrees since 6AM this morning. We have an early release today and I'm sure I'll see the kids next door out as soon as they are home. I expect we'll have reached the balmy temperature of 27 by then. Brrrrr!

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