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Posts posted by keith_h

  1. 29 minutes ago, Cortezcapt (Derek) said:

    So you get a big hairy dog that sheds all the time then put it in a leotard because you don't like it shedding all over your house? Hmmmm

    And in the process cause them to overheat more than they already would with the heavy coat.

  2. While there might be some localities that don't every one I have lived in requires all dogs to be licensed and to display a  tag. I don't see how it is any inconvenience or discriminating to register trained service animals at the same time and note it on the license. It could be part of the tag information and an additional card could be issued for the owner to use.  

  3. It was 11 when we woke up this morning should be 32 around noon with a high near 40. I got the driveway and part of the front road shoveled off. The sun is already starting to dry them off and should take care of the upper part of the road. I hear you on getting back to normalcy. We should be in the low 50's during the day and 20's-30's at night. I'm not looking forward to our next electric bill.

  4. 1 hour ago, Avatab.... Steve said:

    Yes, Filene's Basement was a great place to get bargains

    Northshore Center was only a Filene's department store in the early 60's if I  am remembering correctly (not counting other stores). We would eat at the restaurant on the top floor. I do remember my mom bragging about a Sunday winter coat she bought at Filene's Basement but I thought it was in downtown Boston. Again a lot is very fuzzy being 50 years ago.

  5. 5 hours ago, Avatab.... Steve said:

    Never heard of Uniglo..... also never heard of Primark, which is listed as the most popular in Massachusetts? Lived here most of my life, first time I've ever seen that name...LOL!

    Also interesting that most of the country by far shops at either Walmart or Target, but New York goes to Bloomingdales....  :lol:


    I'm dating myself but when I lived in Massachusetts as a kid Filene's was more or less the place to go. I recall going to what I think was the Northshore Center store. Another was Shopping World in Framingham. The dome is still something that sticks in my memories.  I also want to say there was a GEM store there that we would shop at but that memory is very fuzzy. 

  6. 44 minutes ago, Avatab.... Steve said:

    Also, strangely, they left the practically brand-new building sitting there closed up for about 5 or 6 years (in an otherwise VERY busy and expanding complex) until finally it was reported a year ago or so that a local business had bought the property at auction for a fraction of what it was worth. They then bulldozed the site and it is now a mega-car dealership.... go figure.

    This is SOP for Walmart Corporation. They tie up the old real estate so competitors won't move in and their idea of a competitor is just about any other retail business in existence. It is one of the major downsides local governments don't think about when they go gaga over a new Walmart store.

  7. 3 hours ago, DaveInTN said:

    I'm not a professional PR guy, but I would think if you are putting out news like raising wages and giving bonuses, you wouldn't want to overshadow that positive press by also abruptly closing stores and putting people out of work on the same day.  

    They could also be trying to get it over quickly. When Walmart has announced some store closures ahead of time in the past they've ended up with employee protests and the news coverage that goes with. Announcing and closing quickly doesn't allow for much the be organized before it is yesterday's news thereby missing the cycle.

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