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Posts posted by keith_h

  1. I love the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay and wish they would do that at WDW. As for It's a Small World it wouldn't surprise me if Disney tied it into a movie. Last night Rene and I were talking about how Pirates of the Caribbean wasn't the ride we had grown up with and is now more of a trailer for the movie series. We're just thankful that the Eddie Murphy Haunted Mansion film was a flop. 

  2. 14 hours ago, ftwildernessguy said:

    By the way, nitro, as is true with many meds, does expire, especially after having been opened.  If you aren't going to replace your stock, don't bother having it.  Expired nitro is worthless.  Again, thankfully it is not available without prescription.

    I meant to have that in my update but somehow deleted it. For peace of mind I kept active prescriptions for several years after the event and would discard unopened after 6 months. I think the longest expiration date I saw was 12 months.

  3. A better thing to carry would be nitro glycerin tablets as they dilate the blood vessels so some blood would flow. Most heart stoppages are the result of blockage, and you won't be able to tell the difference, so even if you could get the heart started back up it would be of little use if the blood can't move. Nitro is also a lot less expensive. I say this with having had a heart attack at 42 with no signs of coronary artery disease. Other than the standard pill regimen the cardiologist told me to find a new job. Instead I waited about 10 years and I found Himalayan sing bowls as a form of meditation to help me relax. 

  4. 16 hours ago, Travisma said:

    You had leftovers with a 17 year old!  Was he sick?


    4 hours ago, Seals said:

    Well, he'd already had 5 pieces, plus a sandwich.  Although after 2 hours of tennis practice, I guess that's really not a lot.

    I don't think he was feeling well. When I was a teenager my best friend and I both worked at a local pizza joint. We always ordered and split a pizza. One night the owner decided to weigh it just to see how much we were putting away. The weight was 11 lbs before cooking. Oh for the days when I could east anything with no ramifications.

  5. Congratulations. I like the floor plan. I think you are going to have good time with it.

    As far as good or bad I think most of the manufacturers have similar quality issues. Some are built perfectly, others have many problems and a lot are somewhere in the middle. For the ones that are built to perfection you aren't likely to hear from the owners. Instead it is the people that experience problems who will usually be the one posting on the internet. Even then it frequently has to do with the actual RV problem and more to do with how they are treated by their dealer and the manufacturer.  This is why I tend to look more at how owners problems were resolved rather than what was broken when trying to compare just about anything I purchase.

  6. 6 hours ago, Travisma said:

    Beside bragging rights and a quiet spot to sit, what do you get for your initial outlay of $40K?

    Premium annual passes, 50 park hopper tickets for friends, VIP tours, valet parking and trip planning. You still have to pay for your meals which have a minimum charge of a one day, one park admission. It is obviously for people who have too much cash burning a hole in their pocket.

  7. 25 minutes ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    He doesn't have to know and I won't offer that information... unless he asks, then I'd have to tell him the truth. 

    Ugh... just wish it was easier to open that up.  Talking with some folks, the thought is... I should be able to tap them back in.  

    I don't know... maybe I'll chance it and take it in.


    I understand the part about if they ask.

    Buy some hex screws and use those in the nail holes. They will hold better and be easier to remove should you need to open the belly up again. Just don't over tighten them so they deform the panel.

  8. 20 hours ago, PGHFiend said:

    Are you eating? So it's been reallllly cold here for the last 2 weeks and last weekend it warmed up a little and it was enough to thaw all of the snow.  I never checked the info center for the battery and holding tank levels figuring I'd get around to it.  Since it was thawed out, I thought I'd try the tank valves to see if they were stuck or anything.  I was instantly rewarded with a scene that reminded me of the Beverly Hillbillies. 

    Black gold, Texas tea. 

    Right there in the driveway.  What could I do? Luckily BOTH grey tanks were also full so I used that as a rinse! Steep hillside off a gravel driveway helped move things along. And then it rained hard so I'm ok there. But wow. 

    I know it had to be a mess but I just had to chuckle.

  9. 7 hours ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    When I experience heat exhaustion a few years back, I too made a stop at the first aid center in the MK.  The RN was very nice and very helpful.  I was surprised (when they brought me into the back), how much it looked like an outpatient surgical area.  They are definitely a wonderful resource. 

    It doesn't surprise me that they have ER facilities as I'm sure they get enough to warrant them while waiting for transport to a hospital . 

  10. My understanding is the gondolas are being designed (and overseen?) by the same company that did the gondola system for the London Olympics. While the British Isles are not the same as Florida they definitely aren't a California and I suspect seeing how they have been operated serves there as a model for the WDW version.

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