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Posts posted by keith_h

  1. 6 hours ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    Yep... looks like it's sold out.

    Sorry.  That was a crazy good price.

    At that price it doesn't surprise me that they would go quickly.


    4 hours ago, TN22.....Brady said:

    I've been thinking about getting an extension. That is a good price and I can save shipping by sending it to the store for pickup. Thanks for posting the link.

  2. 6 hours ago, Travisma said:

    Tater Tots are not breakfast food!

    We were there for brunch. Not only was there Tater Tots but mashed potatoes, gravy and fried chicken. All of which made it onto my plate in one trip or another. However it was the smoked slab bacon at the carving station that made it onto each plate. It's only once a year and my doctor wasn't around to see so what the heck, right?

  3. 1 hour ago, twiceblessed....nacole said:

    DVC campground??

    I think I missed that discussion... can't DVC members already use points for the Fort?  Or, would this be a DVC member area only?

    Not a campground but a full blown resort building on the old River Country site and backing up to the Settlement.

  4. The recipes look good.

    We like corned beef. I usually load up on corned eye of round, which I prefer over brisket,  this time of year when it goes on sale. I do my corned beef in the crock pot with 6-8 smashed garlic cloves, a table spoon or more of pickling spices, 10-20 whole peppercorns, a few whole allspice berries, 1/2 tsp each of black and yellow mustard seed, 1 or 2 whole cayenne peppers, 1-2 large bay leaves. Every thing is really to taste so add or remove whatever you wish. Trim all fat and silver skin from beef. This is important so the pickling spice will flavor all of the meat.  Put all in the crock pot, pour in  two good quality lager beers and add water to cover and cook on low 10-12 hours.  To me the flavor is very close to the corned beef you can find at jewish delis in the northeast as opposed to the more traditional American version.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Travisma said:

    The blue looks like where they are going to have to lay down a road/some sort of material to support the equipment needed to do the borings?

    When I've seen oil surveys down along the coast they just clear the underbrush so the big all-wheel drive seismic trucks can get through and everything will grow back. I've also seen loggers do a similar thing then lay down a heavy plank roadway that is removed when the logging is complete. I would guess the company doing the test bores will do something similar depending upon the soil conditions and type of equipment.

  6. 2 hours ago, Travisma said:

    Chunk of Cindy's castle could fall off and impale a passerby.

    I'd be ok with but being a traditionalist only if it wasn't in the Frozen overlay. 

    I'm not afraid of heights but I doubt I would give this one a go as it is just too high for the type of ride it is. I can't explain why but I would feel safer hanging from a piton on El Capitan than ride this.

  7. When we were there in February we had more than one launch captain make a point of calling out River Country and that it was planned to be turned into a DVC. Whether it is true or not, who knows. It is a big plot of close to all of the Settlement amenities/transportation so I can't see it sitting there unproductive forever.  

  8. 7 hours ago, Travisma said:

    Years ago it was reported that Bill Gates and his wife were setting up a foundation and donating $$X amount ( I don't remember the figure) but the author likened it to an average person donating the change in their pocket.

    People/companies do good deeds all the time, but people always want them to do more, while they sit back on their butts, write articles, and complain.

    The Gates are reported to have contributed around $50B to their foundation to date. While they have been smaller amounts across the years it isn't too shabby. Bill has also said upon he and his wife's death his children will only inherit $10M each with the remainder of the estate going to charity. Warren Buffet has also contributed to the Gates foundation in the amount of $31B with similar plans for his estate to largely go to charity as well upon death.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Tri-Circle-D said:

    As with any Disney resort, you are considered a guest of the Fort, and are welcome to use its amenities through 11:59 pm on the day you check out. So, if you want to use a comfort station shower, you're welcome to. Don't forget that you'll need to bring your own towel and toiletries.


    And Magic Band.

  10. 41 minutes ago, Travisma said:

    We were there Saturday evening.  Somehow my daughter got 2 FP on Thursday for Saturday. We walked around while they rode.  Pandora was a packed zoo.  And the gift shop was worse.  

    I think they made the area too small. The area could really use some space where visitors could spread out and have a little elbow room. We particularly enjoyed the area after dark when everything was lit up but it was hard to meander without bumping into people.


    1 hour ago, DaveInTN said:

    But in my experience I spend more money at Disney if I've got a couple of beers in me.  Then again, 2 or 3 drinks before the banshee ride might not end well. 


    Particularly for those around you. 

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